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程四清 博士
电话(mobile): 86-18062111980;
课题组邮箱: icnem@hotmail.com; 个人邮箱: chengsqing@iccas.ac.cn 


一) 教育和工作经历
1991.9-1995.6 中国地质大学(武汉)应用化学系 工学学士
1995.9-1998.6 四川大学化学学院物理化学专业 理学硕士
1998.9-2001.6 四川大学化学学院物理化学专业 理学博士  
2001.7—2002.12 武汉轻工大学(原武汉工业学院) 讲师
2003.1-2008.12 武汉轻工大学(原武汉工业学院) 副教授,硕士生导师
2009.1-现在 武汉轻工大学(原武汉工业学院) 教授、硕士生导师
2002. 1— 2005.6 武汉轻工大学 (原武汉工业学院)化学与环境工程学院 化工教研室主任
2005.7 - 2011.9 武汉轻工大学化学与环境工程学院 化环学院副院长
2003.1-2003.12 德黑兰大学材料科学研究所访问学者 访问学者
2005.3-2007.9 中国科学院北京化学研究所韩布兴院士课题组 博士后
2009.10-2013.4 澳大利亚新南威尔士大学化学工程学院高分子材料科学研究所 副研究员
2013.5—现在 武汉轻工大学纳米新能源材料与医药创新研究中心(icnem) 负责人

二) 主讲本科生及研究生课程


国际期刊rsc advances, chemical communication, journal of material chemistry固定审稿人。

1. 绿色溶剂(水、离子液体、超临界流体等)中表面活性剂分子聚集体(胶束、乳液、液晶等)的构建及其模板作用——表面活性剂物理化学
2. 功能纳米复合材料(碳材料、有机导电聚合物、功能无机化合物等)的形貌、大小可控绿色组装及物理化学性能———材料物理化学
3. 纳米储能器件(锂离子电池、超级电容器、燃料电池等)的电极材料的设计及电化学性能————材料物理化学及电化学
4. 与电化学及胶体和界面化学有关的实际应用

1. 2015年湖北省自然科学基金项目,基于tio2(b)负极材料的锂离子混合超级电容器研究(no.2015cfc842),2015-2017. 
2. 2015年湖北省武汉硅宝石材料科技有限公司合作项目,硅胶复合干燥剂的化工工艺定型,,2015-2016.
3. 2015年西安曲江源海环保科技有限公司,水性涂料的工艺及配方, 2015-2016.
4. 2010年国家自然科学基金面上项目, 人工过氧化物酶的设计、结构及催化性能研, 2010-2012.
5. 2009年湖北省高等学校优秀中青年科技创新团队计划,环境友好型高端冷轧钢板加工润滑剂的关键技术研究 (t200908)
6. 2008年湖北省教育厅成果转化项目,环境友好金属加工润滑剂的研制, 2008-2010. 
7. 2008年度教育部科学技术研究重点项目,离子液体/超临界co2新型微乳液的研究(208088), 2008-01至2010-12.
8. 2007年度湖北省教育厅重点科研项目,以离子液体为极性微环境的反胶束微乳液的研究(d200718001),  2007-01至2009-12
9. 中国博士后科学基金, 以离子液体为分散相,压缩co2为连续相的微乳液的研究(2005037437), 2005-07至2007-07.
10. 2005年湖北省自然科学基金计划项目(青年杰出人才项目),表面活性剂胶束水溶液中的血红素的结构、稳定性及仿生活性(2005abb034), 2005-01至2006-12.
11. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,表面活性剂胶束水溶液中血红素的性质研究, 2005. 
12. 2005年湖北省科技攻关计划,定型相变石蜡节能材料的制备及应用关键技术研究(2005aa101c35), 2005-2006. 
13. 2003年度湖北省教育厅科研项目,固体中重金属离子的回收与利用(2003b002), 2003-2004.
14. 2002年湖北省自然科学基金项目,超临界co2中反胶束萃取污染表面的毒性重金属离子的研究(2002ab064), 2003-2005. 
15. 2001年湖北省教育厅科研项目,功能金属胶束模拟过氧化物酶催化酚类物质氧化研究(2001b18002), 2001-2003. 
七)发表的部分论文 (* 为通讯联系作者)

1. y. r. wang, k. xie, x. guo, w. zhou, g. s. song and s. q. cheng*, mesoporous silica nanoparticles as high performance anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, new journal of chemistry, 2016, accepted.
2. l. p. zhang, y. r. wang, w. zhou, g. s. song and s. q. cheng*, facile synthesis of hollow co9s8 nanospheres for high performance pseudocapacitor, international journal of electrochemical science, 2016, 11(2): 1541-1548.
3. y. r. wang, w. zhou, l. p. zhang, g. s. song, and s. q. cheng*, sio2@nio core-shell nanocomposites as high performance anode materials for lithium-ion batteries, rsc advances, 2015, 5, 63012 - 63016
4. w. zhou, y. r. wang, l. p. zhang, g. s. song, and s. q. cheng*, anatase tio2 hollow nanospheres with ultrathin shell exhibit superior lithium storage property, international journal of electrochemical science, 2015. 10(7): p. 5492-5494.
5. w. zhou, y. r. wang, l. p. zhang, g. s. song, and s. q. cheng*, capacitive nanosized spinel α-life5o8 as high performance cathodes for lithium-ion batteries, international journal of electrochemical science, 2015. 10(6): p. 5061-5068.
6. x. f. qian, y. r. wang, w. zhou, l. p. zhang, g. s. song, and s. q. cheng*, interlayer distance dependency of lithium storage in mos2 as anode material for lithium-ion batteries. international journal of electrochemical science, 2015. 10(4): p. 3510-3517.
7. y. r. wang, j. wang, h. t. liao, x. f. qian, m. wang, g. s. song, and s. q. cheng*, facile synthesis of electrochemically active alpha-lifeo2 nanoparticles in absolute ethanol at ambient temperature. rsc advances, 2014. 4(8): p. 3753-3757.
8. y. r. wang, x. f. qian, w. zhou, h. t. liao, and s. q. cheng*, hierarchical nanostructured fes2 hollow microspheres for lithium-ion batteries. rsc advances, 2014. 4(69): p. 36597-36602.
9. j. wang, y. r. wang, w. zhou, x. f. qian, m. wang, and s. q. cheng*, comparison of electrochemical activity of nanosized alpha-lifeo2 cathode materials for li-ion secondary battery using different current collectors. international journal of electrochemical science, 2014. 9(7): p. 3961-3968.
10. b. chai, x. wang, s. q. cheng*, h. zhou, and f. zhang, one-pot triethanolamine-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of ag/zno heterostructure microspheres with enhanced photocatalytic activity. ceramics international, 2014. 40(1): p. 429-435.
11. y. r. wang, j. wang, h. t. liao, x. f. qian, y. c. zhu, and s. q. cheng*, synthesis and characterization of nanosized alpha-lifeo2 with increased electrochemical activity. international journal of electrochemical science, 2013. 8(6): p. 8730-8739.
12. y. r. wang, h. t. liao, j. wang, y. c. zhu, and s. q. cheng*, optimization of the synthesis conditions of limnpo4 for lithium secondary battery by solid state method, in progress in materials and processes, pts 1-3, z. shi, j.h. dong, and w. ma, editors. 2013. p. 1044-1049.
13. y. r. wang, h. t. liao, j. wang, x. f. qian, y. c. zhu, and s. q. cheng*, effects of current collectors on electrochemical performance of fes2 for li-ion battery. international journal of electrochemical science, 2013. 8(3): p. 4002-4009.
14. y. r. wang, h. t. liao, j. wang, x. f. qian, and s. q. cheng*, the surfactant assisted synthesis of mos2 nanospheres with improved lithium storage properties, in current trends in the development of industry, pts 1 and 2, l. yu, et al., editors. 2013. p. 787-791.
15. h. t. liao, y. r. wang, j. wang, x. f. qian, and s. q. cheng*, synthesis of macroporous fes2 nanotubes and their electrochemical properties, in advanced technologies in manufacturing, engineering and materials, pts 1-3, y.h. kim and p. yarlagadda, editors. 2013. p. 677-681.
16. s. m. dong, s. q. cheng, and p. b. zetterlund, raft miniemulsion polymerization using dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate. journal of polymer science part a-polymer chemistry, 2013. 51(9): p. 2104-2109.
17. y. r. wang, x. w. zhang, p. chen, h. t. liao, and s. q. cheng*, in situ preparation of cus cathode with unique stability and high rate performance for lithium ion batteries. electrochimica acta, 2012. 80: p. 264-268.
18. s. q. cheng, s. r. s. ting, f. p. lucien, and p. b. zetterlund, size-tunable nanoparticle synthesis by raft polymerization in co2-induced miniemulsions. macromolecules, 2012. 45(4): p. 1803-1810.
19. s. q. cheng, y. guo, and p. b. zetterlund, miniemulsion polymerization based on low energy emulsification with preservation of initial droplet identity. macromolecules, 2010. 43(19): p. 7905-7907.
20. w. li, j. l. zhang, s. q. cheng, b. x. han, c. x. zhang, x. y. feng, and y. j. zhao, enhanced stabilization of vesicles by compressed co2. langmuir, 2009. 25(1): p. 196-202.
21. y. r. wang, l. l. duan, s. q. cheng, b. chai, and f. han, water/i-propanol/n-butanol microemulsions. journal of dispersion science and technology, 2008. 29(2): p. 280-283.
22. j. h. liu, j. l. zhang, s. q. cheng, z. m. liu, and b. x. han, dna-mediated synthesis of microporous single-crystal-like nati(2)(po(4))(3) nanospheres. small, 2008. 4(11): p. 1976-1979.
23. x. y. feng, j. l. zhang, s. q. cheng, c. x. zhang, w. li, and b. x. han, a new separation method: combination of co2 and surfactant aqueous solutions. green chemistry, 2008. 10(5): p. 578-583.
24. s. q. cheng*, f. han, y. r. wang, and h. f. yan, effect of cosurfactant on ionic liquid solubilization capacity in cyclolhexane/tx-100/1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate microemulsions. colloids and surfaces a-physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2008. 317(1-3): p. 457-461.
25. j. h. liu, s. q. cheng, j. l. zhang, x. y. feng, x. g. fu, and b. x. han, reverse micelles in carbon dioxide with ionic-liquid domains. angewandte chemie-international edition, 2007. 46(18): p. 3313-3315.
26. s. q. cheng, j. l. zhang, z. f. zhang, and b. x. han, novel microemulsions: ionic liquid-in-ionic liquid. chemical communications, 2007(24): p. 2497-2499.
27. s. q. cheng, y. r. wang, j. f. yan, and x. c. zeng, hydrolysis of phosphodiester catalyzed by analogous dinuclear cu(ii) complex in ctab micellar solution. colloids and surfaces a-physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2007. 292(1): p. 32-35.
28. s. q. cheng, x. g. fu, j. f. yan, and j. h. liu, structure and activity of rnase a in sodium dodecyl sulphate solutions. journal of dispersion science and technology, 2007. 28(2): p. 297-300.
29. s. q. cheng, x. g. fu, j. h. liu, j. l. zhang, z. f. zhang, y. l. wei, and b. x. han, study of ethylene glycol/tx-100/ionic liquid microemulsions. colloids and surfaces a-physicochemical and engineering aspects, 2007. 302(1-3): p. 211-215.

