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来源: 发布时间:2023-05-23 浏览人次:



职称:教  授,硕士生导师












[1] 环境微生物种质资源前期开发

[2] 环境微生物的分子生态研究

[3] 污染控制与资源综合利用




[1] 主持:企业横向(技术开发),2009-2010

[2] 主持:青年教师下基层项目,教育厅,2010.04-2010.10

[3] 主持:国家自然科学基金面上,312702152013-2016

[4] 主持:病毒学国家重点实验室开放课题,kf20140032014-2015

[5] 主持:湖北省重点产业创新团队项目,执行周期:2014-2015

[6] 主持:湖北省教育厅重点, d201517042015-2016

[7] 主持:企业横向(技术开发), 2018-2020

[8] 主持:企业横向(成果转化), 2019-2020

[9] 主持:企业横向(成果转化), 2021.10-2022.06

[10] 主持:企业横向(技术开发), 2022.11-2023.05

[11] 主持:省级教学研究项目,20205152021-2023


[1] 2012年获得首批博士服务团优秀个人称号;

[2] 2013年获湖北省重点产业创新团队带头人;

[3] 2013年获得金龙鱼优秀青年教师称号;
[4] 2014年获得恩施州科技进步二等奖(排1);

[5] 2012-2015年度,教学质量三等奖;

[6] 2015-2020年度,教学质量二等奖;

[7] 2015-2016年度,校级优秀班主任;

[8] 2017-2018年度,校级优秀班主任;

[9] 2018-2019年度,三育人工作先进个人;

[10] 2021年,校级教学成果一等奖(排1);

[11] 2021年,校级优秀共产党员

[12] 指导本科生、研究生获省级研究项目及奖项。


[1] xia sun, ruidong tao, daoqing xu, mengjie qu, mingming zheng, meng zhang, yunjun mei#. role of polyamide microplastic in altering microbial consortium and carbon and nitrogen cycles in a simulated agricultural soil microcosm[j]. chemosphere, 2023. #, 通讯作者,下同

[2] ruidong tao, hao li, zihan liu, xiaoying zhang, mengyao wang, wenjuan shen, mengjie qu, yunjun mei#. the adsorbent preparation of feooh@pu for effective chromium (vi) removal[j]. environmental science and pollution research, 2023.

[3] wenjuan shen, zhan liu, fengjiao quan, xu zhang, xing peng#, xiaobing wang, wenqing wang, lan huang, shunxi zhang, jianfen li, yunjun mei#. mechanochemically activated microscale z    ero-valent iron with carboxymethylcellulose for efficient sequestration of phosphate in aqueous solution[j]. journal environmental chemical engineering, 2023.

[4] xia sun, xiaoying zhang, yuxiang xia, ruidong tao, meng zhang, yunjun mei#, mengjie qu#. simulation of the effects of microplastics on the microbial community structure and nitrogen cycle of paddy soil[j]. science of the total environment, 2022. (高被引)

[5] ruidong tao , mengjie qu , shunxi zhang , fengjiao quan , meng zhang , wenjuan shen #, yunjun mei #. preparation of feooh supported by melamine sponge and its application for efficient phosphate removal[j]. journal environmental chemical engineering, 2022.

[6] mengjie qu, longtao wang, qiang xu, jiaqi an, yunjun mei#, guanglong liu #. influence of glyphosate and its metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid on aquatic plants in different ecological niches[j]. ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2022.

[7] xiaoying zhang, yuxiang xia, yiwei zeng, xia sun, ruidong tao, yunjun mei#mengjie qu. simultaneous nitrification and denitrification by pseudomonas sp. y‑5in a high nitrogen environment[j]. environmental science and pollution research, 2022.

[8] 张小萱,任国栋,刘畅,陶文超,张笑迎,刘欢,闵婷,梅运军#. psedudomonas sp. j1生物合成纳米硒机制研究[j]. 广西大学学报(自然科学版), 2022.

[9] 夏宇翔,孙霞,陶瑞东,张萌,郑明明,梅运军#. 武汉市某居民区典型场所微生物气溶胶调查及健康风险评价[j]. 环境科学研究,2021.

[10] 曾仪维,张小萱,程思俊,刘欢,闵婷,梅运军#. 一株亚硒酸钠还原菌的分离及纳米硒表征[j],食品与发酵工业,2020.

[11] mei yunjun#, huan liu, shunxi zhang, et al. effects of salinity on the cellular physiological responses of natrinema sp. j7-2. plos one, 2017.

[12] mei yunjun#, he congcong, deng wei, et al. a real-time pcr method to detect the population levle of halovirus snj1. plos one, 2016.  

[13] mei yunjun#, he congcong, huang yongchi, liu ying, zhang ziqian, chen xiangdong#, shen ping. regulation of the interaction of halovirus snj1 with its host and alteration of the halovirus replication strategy to adapt the viriable ecosytem. plos one, 2015.

[14] yunjun mei, d chen, d sun, y. et al. an easier method for locating replication origins based on real-time pcr. curr microbiol, 2008.

[15] yunjun mei, dong chen, dongchang sun, et al. identification homologous recombination function from haloarchaeaplasmid phh205. curr microbiol, 2007.

[16] yunjun mei, jin chen, dongchang sun, et al. induction and preliminary characterization of a novel halophage snj1 from lysogenic natrinema sp. f5. can j microbiol, 2007.

[17] 梅运军 . 一种glya基因工程菌的构建和固定化使用方法. 专利号:zl 2010107650.8.

[18] 梅运军 . 一种测定嗜盐古菌噬菌体snj1效价的引物及方法. zl 2014 1 0583708.4.

[19] 梅运军 . 一种蛋氨酸生产过程中废水回收利用的方法. zl 2013 10434091.5

[20] 梅运军 . 一种色氨酸的的制备方法. zl 2015 10295849.0.

[21] 梅运军 . 一种l-丝氨酸的制备方法zl 2015 10295903. 1.

[22] 梅运军 . 一种l-丝氨酸的制备方法zl 2019 10593295. 0.

[23] 梅运军 . 一种l-丝氨酸的制备方法zl 2019 10592427. 8.

[24] 梅运军 . 一种l-蛋氨酸的制备方法 zl 202010188975.7.

[25] 梅运军 . 一种纳米硒的制备方法 zl 202010452085.2.




