“农副资源化学化工与利用”创新团队组建于2018年。团队隶属武汉轻工大学化学与环境工程学院,依托“湖北省农副资源化学化工与利用工程技术中心” 科研平台,重点围绕“农业生产和加工过程中未被充分、有效利用,对环境和生态造成严重影响的,且没有被正确对待的物质”的农业废弃物上,运用现代化学化工的方法和手段,开展基础研究和应用基础研究,为农副资源的高值化和全质化利用提供科学指导和技术支撑。团队拥有教授3人,副教授4人,讲师2人,其中,国贴专家 1 人,省突专家 1 人,湖北省青年骨干人才人选 1 人,在读研究生30余名。团队与化环学院、学校的其他科技创新团队形成良好的兼容和互补,并且适度交叉和融合,共同形成较为完整的研究、开发和产业化的科技创新体系。团队成员先后主持承担国家级和省部级科研项目20余项,获省部级以上科技成果和科技奖励8项,获授权发明专利30余 项,发表研究论文100余篇,其中sci/ei收录论文50余篇,相关研究成果经推广和应用转化,有力的促进了湖北省农副资源综合利用水平,带动了相关产业的发展。
a. 农副资源组分及特性研究。农业废弃物包括秸秆、林业废弃物、养殖废弃物、畜禽粪便、等组分特性分析;食品加工过程中米糠、稻壳、油料加工副产物特性分析;动物屠宰副产物毛、皮等下脚料特性分析;根据农副资源的特性,形成农副资源高值化利用不同途径,为农副资源高值化利用提供理论基础;
b. 农副资源化学化工利用途径及关键技术装备开发。秸秆资源高值化利用关键技术装备开发;米糠、稻壳、油料加工副产物等食品加工废弃物不同利用途径关键技术装备开发;油料和油脂精准化加工关键技术研发;
c. 食品产业链中环境监测与环境化工问题。农业种、养殖和加工环节的环境监测;农副产品重金属含量、农药残留、添加剂等其他有毒有害物质的相关检测与评价;农副产品加工过程中废水指标检测及环境质量评价;食品加工废水的清洁排放;农业种、养殖和加工环节的废水处理;食品的防腐保鲜技术开发。
a. 特色农产品功能营养及加工特性研究。板栗、蜂蜜、油料天然产物等原料加工特性分析研究,评价原料的加工特性和利用价值,构建板栗蜂蜜、油料天然产物等原料特性基础数据库,为特色农产品加工提供理论依据;
b. 特色农产品关键技术及装备开发。雄蜂蛹多产技术及冷冻冷链技术的开发与应用;雄峰蛹过敏源性蛋白脱敏技术的开发;板栗产品规模化生产装备研制,板栗保鲜技术的研制及装备开发,油料产地化加工关键技术装备研究等;
c. 加工产品制造及创制。主要包括蜂蜜产品开发与利用、板栗产品开发与利用等。雄蜂蛹冻干粉、压片糖果、雄蜂蛹养生酒等产品的制造;板栗酱、板栗丁、糖水板栗等系列产品的创制。
[1] 基于秸秆木质纤维素制备糠醛类平台化合物的分离及转化过程研究,武汉市科技局,2020,50万;
[2] 湖北省粮食局项目-湖北主粮副产物中纤维素资源开发利用,2020,40万;
[3] 达兴能源voc治理项目,2020,20万;
[4] 中央引导地方项目-作物秸秆能源与原料化利用技术平台建设,2019,100万;
[5] 湖北省粮食局项目-稻壳不同利用途径比较研究及工程示范,2019,30万;
[6] 湖北省粮食局项目米糠压榨-即时稳定化关键技术研究,2019,50万;
[7] 废水处理,2019,5万;
[8] 环保资源及综合利用,2019,10万;
[9] 华中地区中蜂资源及其高值化产品研发,2019,50万;
[10] 蕲艾加速陈化关键技术研究,2019,7万;
[11] 浓香型食用植物油的生产方法,2019,11万。
[1] few-layer ws2 decorating znin2s4 with markedly promoted charge separation and photocatalytic h2 evolution activity. applied surface science, 2020;(if=6.182,中科院二区)
[2] liquid exfoliating cds and mos2 to construct 2d/2d mos2/cds heterojunctions with significantly boosted photocatalytic h2 evolution activity. journal of materials science & technology, 2020;(if=6.155,中科院一区)
[3]improving anaerobic digestion of piggery wastewater by alleviating stress of ammonia using biochar derived from rice straw. environmental technology & innovation, 2020;(if=3.356,中科院三区)
[4] preparing high purity white carbon black from rice husk. food science & nutrition, 2020;(if=1.797,中科院三区)
[5] catalytic activity and stability of cu modified zsm-5 zeolite membrane catalysts prepared by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition for trichloroethylene oxidation. journal of the tai wan institute of chemical engineers, 2020;(if=4.794,中科院三区)
[6] construction of 2d/2d ni2p/cds heterojunctions with significantly enhanced photocatalytic evolution performance. catalysis science & technology, 2019, 9: 6929-6937.(if=5.721,中科院二区)
[7] in-situ construction of bi2sio5/biobr heterojunction with significantly improved photocatalytic activity under visible light. journal of alloys and compounds, 2019, 802: 301-309.(if=4.175,中科院二区)
[8] amorphous mos2 decorated on uniform cd0.8zn0.2s microshperes with dramatically improved photocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance. new journal of chemistry, 2019, 43: 7846-7854.(if=3.0169,中科院三区)
[9] tracing of chemical components of odor in peels and flesh from ripe banana on a daily basis using gcms characterization and statistical analysis for quality monitoring during storage. food analytical methods, 2019, 12(4): 947–955. (if: 2.413,中科院二区)
[10] structures of complexes of gossypol with ferrous sulfate based on high performance liquid chromatography separation, spectroscopic analysis, and pm3 calculations. chemistryselect, 2019, 4(19): 5484-5488. (if: 1.716, 中科院四区)
[11] promoting hydrogen-rich syngas production through catalytic cracking of rape straw using ni- fe/pac-γal2o3 catalyst. renewable energy, 2019,140, 32-38. (if:6.274,中科院一区)
[12] study on adsorption of phosphorus by modified aluminum-based drinking water treatment sludge. desalination and water treatment, (if:1.234,中科院四区)
[13]catalytic conversion of glucose to 5-(hydroxymethyl) furfural over phosphotungstic acid supported on sio2-coated fe3o4. waste and biomass valorization, 2019: 1–9. (if: 2.358,中科院四区)
[14] present status on removal of raffinose family oligosaccharides - a review. czech journal of food sciences, 2019, 37(3) (if: 0.846,中科院四区)
[15] study on catalytic cracking of toluene as the model compound of tar by different catalysts. environmental progress & sustainable energy, 2019, (if: 1.596,中科院四区)
[16]in situ fabrication of cdmoo4/g-c3n4 composites with improved charge separation and photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation. chinese journal of catalysis,2019,40, (if: 4.914,中科院一区)
[17]in-situ construction of bi2sio5/biobr heterojunction with significantly improved photocatalytic activity under visible light. journal of alloys and compounds, 2019, ( 802), 301-309. (if: 4.175,中科院二区)
[18]amorphous mos2 decorated on uniform cd0.8zn0.2s microspheres with dramatically improved photocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance. , 2019, 43, 7846-7854. (if: 3.069,中科院三区)
[19] synthesis of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural from cellulose via a two-step process in polar aprotic solvent. carbohydrate polymers, 2018, 200: 529–535. (if: 5.158,中科院一区)
[20] synthesis of cyclic carbonate via the coupling reaction of carbon dioxide with epoxide at ambient pressure. greenhouse gases: science and technology, 2018, 8(3): 570–579. (if: 1.991,中科四区)
[21] in-situ synthesis of wo3 nanoplates anchored on g-c3n4 z-scheme photocatalysts for significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity. applied surface science, 2018, 448: 1-8. (if:4.439,中科二区)
[22] remarkably enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution over mos2 nanosheets loaded on uniform cds nanospheres. applied surface science, 2018, 430: 523-530. (if:4.439,中科二区)
[23] solvothermal fabrication of mos2 anchored on znin2s4 microspheres with boosted photocatalytic hydrogen evolution activity. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2018, 43: 6977-6986. (if:4.229,中科二区)
[24] one-step hydrothermal preparation of mos2 loaded on cdmoo4/cds hybrids for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. catalysis communications, 2018, 110: 10-13. (if:3.463,中科三区)
[1]程群鹏,宋光森,范国枝,刘晔,闫俊涛. 一种除焦脱硝催化剂及其制备方法和应用,专利号:cz2019100361905;
[2]范国枝,王悦昕,胡宗潇,闫俊涛,李建芬,宋光森. 一种由纤维素一锅制备5‑羟甲基糠醛的方法,专利号:cz2017105593030;
[4]刘晔,赵嵘,余盖文,王明明. 螺旋榨油机榨膛的散热装置,专利号:cz2017111238337。
联系人:程群鹏手机:15827582348 qq:515983615
团队会议 第三届石墨烯光催化材料国际学术会议
第十届全国环境化学大会 团队间学术交流活动
全国有机固废处理与资源利用研讨会 国际学术会议报告