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来源: 发布时间:2020-12-01 浏览人次:























1、张顺喜. phosphate removed from aqueous solution by electrochemical oxidation. desalination and water treatment, 2018, 126, 231-238.

2、未本美. graphene-oxide-based fret platform for sensing xenogeneic collagen coassembly. journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 2018, 66, 9080-9086.

3、范国枝. synthesis of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural from cellulose via a two-step process in polar aprotic solvent. carbohydrate polymers, 2018, 200, 529-535.

4、柴波. in-situ synthesis of wo3 nanoplates anchored on g-c3n4 z-scheme photocatalysts for significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity. applied surface science, 2018, 448, 1-8.

5、翟忠伟(), 汪海波. effect of ionic liquids on the fibril-formation and gel properties of grass carp (ctenopharyngodon idellus) skin collagen. macromolecular research, 2018, 26, 609-615.

6、明若曦(), 任占东. effect of electrode material and electrolysis process on the preparation of electrolyzed oxidizing water. new journal of chemistry, 2018, 42, 12143-12151.

7、谢恺(), 王又容. a facile synthesis of hierarchical mos2 nanotori with advanced lithium storage properties. new journal of chemistry, 2018, 42, 10935-10939.

8、康振亚(), 程四清. precursor-template strategy toward hollow nanostructured li(ni1/3co1/3mn1/3)o-2 microspheres cathode with enhanced electrochemical performance. international journal of electrochemical science, 2018, 13, 6771-6778.

9、许承志. effects of preparation processes on the structure and properties of collagen gel. drying technology, 2018, 36, 1031-1040.

10、史训旺(), 程群鹏. preparation and characterization of ni/tpc catalyst and applied in straw pyrolysis gas reforming. 燃料化学学报, 2018, 046, 659-665.

11、王梅. properties of ionic liquid mixtures of [nh2e-mim] [bf4] and [bmim] [bf4] as absorbents for co2 capture. greenhouse gases-science and technology, 2018, 483-492.

12、胡宗潇(), 范国枝. synthesis of cyclic carbonate via the coupling reaction of carbon dioxide with epoxide at ambient pressure. 精细化工, 2018, 8(3).

13、郭旭(), 程四清. reduced g raphene oxide coated 3d interconnected sio2 nanopar ticles with enhanced lithium storage performance. international journal of electrochemical science, 2018, 13, 5645-5653.

14、柴波. one-step hydrothermal preparation of mos2 loaded on cdmoo4/cds hybrids for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. catalysis communications, 2018, 110, 10-13.

15、徐玉玲. in situ photopolymerization of dimethacrylamide-based resins and composites. journal of composite materials, 2018, 52, 2189-2197.

16、刘纯(), 柴波. solvothermal fabrication of mos2 anchored on znin2s4 microspheres with boosted photocatalytic hydrogen evolution activity. international journal of hydrogen energy, 2018, 43, 6977-6986.

17、高新蕾. isosteric design of friction-reduction and anti-wear lubricant additives with less sulfur content. friction, 2018, 6, 164-182.

18、朱磊(), 王又容. hierarchically porous carbon derived from peanut shells for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries. chemistry letters, 2018, 17, 236-239.

19、肖皓文(), 王又容. high capacitance limn2o4 microspheres with different microstructures as cathode material for aqueous asymmetric supercapacitors. journal of alloys and compounds, 2018, 25-31.

20、张海燕. rapid and selective detection of selenocysteine with a known readily available colorimetric and fluorescent turn-on probe. dyes and pigments, 2018, 149, 475-480.

21、高新蕾. quantitative structure tribo-ability relationship of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene modified by inorganic compounds. industrial lubrication and tribology, 2018, 70, 182-190.

22、柴波. remarkably enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution over mos2 nanosheets loaded on uniform cds nanospheres. applied surface science, 2018, 430, 523-530.

23、陈婷(), 关金涛. alkylimidazole-based phosphines as efficient ligands for palladium-catalyzed suzuki reactions. journal of heterocyclic chemistry, 2018, 55,


24、王春蕾. enhanced photocatalytic activity of electrospun nanofibrous tio2/g-c3n4 heterojunction photocatalyst under simulated solar light. applied surface science, 2018, 243-252.

25、南捷(), 许承志. effect of ultra-high pressure on molecular structure and properties of. international journal of biological macromolecules, 2018, 111, 200-207.

26、路遥. experimental and characteristic analysis on pyrolysis regeneration of waste powdered activated carbon. 化工进展, 2018, 389-394.

27、徐梦秋(), 柴波. preparation of bi2moo6/ag3po4 composites with enhanced photocatalytic activities. 硅酸盐学报, 2018, 46, 93-100.

28、柴波. photocatalytic hydrogen evolution activity over mos2/znin2s4 microspheres. chinese journal of catalysis, 2018, 38, 2067-2075.

29、饶娜(), 王梅. co2 adsorption by amine-functionalized mcm-41: a comparison between impregnation and grafting modification methods. energy & fuels, 2018, 32, 670-677.

30、程群鹏. thermogravimetry study of pyrolytic characteristics and kinetics of fast-growing eucalyptus residue, energy and fuels. energy & fuels, 2017, 31, 13675-13681.

31、程群鹏. nutrients removal from the secondary effluents of municipal domestic wastewater by oscillatoria tenuis and subsequent co-digestion with pig manure.

environmental technology, 2018, 39(24), 3127-3134.

32、张爱莲(), 杨晓鸿. an approach to the averaged intermolecular potential field of methane from viscosity. chemical physics letters, 2018, 682, 82-86.

33、徐玉玲. preparation of a low viscosity urethane-based composite for improved dental restoratives. dental materials journal, 2018, 37(3), 400-407.

34、徐玉玲. preparation of new low viscosity urethane dimethacrylates for dental composites. journal of biomaterials science, polymer edition, 2018, 29(7-9), 1011-1025.

35、杨晓鸿. the performance of a waterborne zinc-rich coating from sodium silicate solution catalyzed by ammonium acetate. protection of metals and physical chemistry of surfaces, 2018, 53, 299-305.

36、徐玉玲. a triethylene glycol dimethacrylate free dental composite for reduced water-sorption and shrinkage. journal of composite materials, 2018, 52, 1579-1588.














