1. 江西省科技进步二等奖,稻米油及其深加工产品生产关键技术和装备创制与应用,刘晔等
2. 湖北省科技进步二等奖,焦炉煤气真空碳酸钾脱硫高效绿色生产关键技术及应用,张垒等
1. 耕地土壤微塑料污染特征分析与垂向迁移行为研究,湖北省科技厅(2022cfb439),赵冲,5万
2. 机械力活化碳酸盐矿物精准调控铁物相活性高效除砷的基础研究,国家自然科学基金委(52204283),张婷婷,30万
3. 机械力化学调控碳酸盐缓释氢氧根诱导高活性,湖北省教育厅(d20221605),张婷婷,4万
4. 漆酶-微藻胞内提取物体系对四环素类抗生素的降解研究 ,湖北省教育厅(q20221607),吴亦潇,2万
5. 过渡金属单原子修饰的高结晶氮化碳高效光催化净化空气,湖北省教育厅(b2022253),黎小芳,0万
6. 智慧植物工厂快繁苍术种苗关键技术研发,湖北省科技厅(2022bba0028),杨琳,110万
7. 木质纤维素基生物可降解功能包装材料研发及应用,湖北省科技厅(2022bca081),范国枝,100万
8. 武汉市城市圈氨排放控制对pm2.5的影响及动态减排阈值研究,武汉市科技局(2022020801020398),郑明明,10万
9. mpe-isco联用技术修复有机污染土壤在长江经济带的研究和应用,湖北省科技厅(2022bge005),李社锋,24万
10. 一种重金属污染场地的微生物修复技术,横向课题,刘骏
11. 一种提高费托蜡熔化温度的方法,横向课题,游军杰
12. 一种云母钛原位填充的聚苯乙烯银灰色保温材料的制备方法、其产品及应用,横向课题,闫俊涛
13. 磷复肥造粒染色剂及其制备方法和应用及应用方法,横向课题,胡文云
14. 一种含氟耐酸橡胶材料的制备技术,横向课题,丁佩佩
15. 高性能氟硅橡胶复合材料的制备技术,横向课题,胡纯
16. 农用地土壤中典型增塑剂的高效降解菌株鉴定及特征分析项目,横向课题,陈方远
17. 多区域逸散气治理系统专利技术转让,横向课题,徐兵
18. 联苯甲醇丙烯酸酯的合成及生产工艺,横向课题,董玉宝
19. 戊二醛的制备及生产工艺,横向课题,吴胜莉
20. 菇渣基菌剂制备及工艺智能化控制研究,横向课题,秦振华
21. 蜂资源开发利用相关技术秘密转让,横向课题,宋光森
22. 一种高效吸附vocs的吸附剂的制备方法专利实施许可(普通),横向课题,程先忠
23. 秸秆纤维素/木质素提取的关键技术研究,横向课题,孙亚
24. 乙烯基醚的制备及生产工艺,横向课题,关金涛
25. 用于可控药物释放的导电生物膜制备方法,横向课题,廖丽霞
26. 植物源杀虫剂增效防治食叶害虫技术,横向课题,秦振华
27. 一种光伏驱动电芬顿自维持系统及降解苯胺废水的方法,横向课题,张顺喜
28. 一种负载型花状氧化铜的制备方法及深度脱除黄磷尾气中磷化氢的方法,横向课题,任占冬
29. 一种纳米非晶态ni-b催化剂的制备方法专利实施许可(普通) ,横向课题,程先忠
30. 一种碳酸盐绿锈及其制备方法,横向课题,李芙蓉
31. 一种新型微生态制剂附着器,横向课题,张瑞华
32. 一种聚铁pac反应池,横向课题,张瑞华
33. 丝素基复合材料除污水中重金属离子工艺,横向课题,徐玉玲
34. 水稻局部根系水分胁迫的转录组分析,横向课题,涂敏
35. 不同水域黄颡鱼种群遗传多样性分析关键技术研发,横向课题,吴亦潇
36. 一种moo2/mos2 复合电极材料及其制备方法专利权转让,横向课题,王又容
37. 醋酸纤维素改性木器漆的关键技术研发,横向课题,孙亚
38. 一种二维结构硫化钼修饰溴氧铋的光阳极材,横向课题,何貟
39. 一种利用硫铁矿渣制备高纯磷酸铁的方法,横向课题,费会
40. 折射率1.67~1.69氧化锆复合树脂中试工艺化技术研究方案,横向课题,张智勇
41. 一种双吡啶基铜锌异双核大环配合物的制备方法专利申请权转让,横向课题,王洋
42. 低分子量鱼鳞胶原蛋白肽提取工艺,横向课题,许承志
43. 一种铱铜氧化物合金阴极催化剂的制备方法,横向课题,任占冬
44. 一种l-蛋氨酸制备方法的专利转让,横向课题,梅运军
45. 一种磁性蛋清/丝瓜络吸附材料的制备方法/一种以丝瓜络为基质材料的除磷吸附剂及其制备方法专利转让,横向课题,周国庆
46. 生物降解材料pbat共混改性关键技术研发,横向课题,范国枝
47. 钠离子电池关键电极材料及电芯的开发,横向课题,万忞
48. 高效降解氨氮亚硝酸盐的微生态菌剂研发,横向课题,程先忠
49. 螺旋榨油机榨膛的压力监测装置,横向课题,刘晔
50. 纤维素新材料表征与应用方案开发,横向课题,张军涛
1. 赵海兵(学),张剑.黑木耳多糖提取液浊度清除的响应面优化,2022.
2. 徐玉玲.食品工程专业有机化学教学boppps模式的应用探析,2022.
3. 张勇,王文艳(外) .enhanced catalytic performance of cucr/zsm-5 catalyst by chemical vapourdeposition for trichloroethylene oxidation,2022.
4. 任占冬.promoting effect of amorphous support on ruthenium-based catalyst for electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction,2022.
5. 黄程瑞(学),高新蕾.solvation comfa-qstr and comsia-qstr models for predicting the anti-wear properties of lubricant additives,2022.
6. 莫洁琼(学),丁灯. eco-friendly zif-67/rice straw-derived cellulose acetate electrospun nanofiber mats for efficient co2 capturing and selectivity removal of methyl orange dye,2022.
7. 涂敏.unleashing the power within short-read rna-seq for plant research: beyond differential expression analysis and toward regulomics,2022.
8. 赵海兵(学),张剑 .响应面优化微波辅助碱法提取黑木耳粗多糖工艺,2022.
9. 秦意(学),柴波.new insight into remarkable tetracycline removal by enhanced graphitization of hierarchical porous carbon aerogel: performance and mechanism,2022.
10. 李柏霖(学),李建芬.a solar-light driven photocatalytic fuel cell for efficient electricity generation and organic wastewater degradation,2022.
11. 周正(学),周晓荣 .水热法制备钌钴合金及其电催化析氢性能研究,2022.
12. 张军涛.site-specific modification of n-terminal α-amino groups of succinylated collagen ,2022.
13. 张军涛.水产胶原的制备工艺及自组装性能研究进展,2022.
14. 许芳.superior photo-fenton activity toward tetracycline degradation by 2d α-fe2o3 anchored on 2d g-c3n4: s-scheme heterojunction mechanism and accelerated fe3 /fe2 cycle,2022.
15. 黄炎俊.dmsa-incorporated silsesquioxane-based hybrid polymer for selective adsorption of pb(ii) from wastewater,2022.
16. 高荣懿(学),李建芬.development and application of ni-m/sepiolite (m=ce, pr, and la) catalysts in biomass pyrolysis for syngas production,2022.
17. 高荣懿(学),李建芬.effective catalytic of rice straw pyrolysis over ni/caznal catalyst for producing hydrogen-rich syngas,2022.
18. 牛好荣(学),杨明 .果壳中抗氧化活性成分的提取技术研究进展,2022.
19. 张笑迎(学),梅运军.simultaneous nitrification and denitrification by pseudomonas sp. y‑5 in a high nitrogen environment,2022.
20. 衡娅萍(学),朱玉婵.plasma-activated acidic electrolyzed water: a new food disinfectant for bacterial suspension and biofilm,2022.
21. 朱链.pd-1 engineered cytomembrane cloaked molybdenum nitride for synergistic photothermal and enhanced immunotherapy of breast cancer,2022.
22. 闫俊涛.solidified floating organic drop microextraction in tandem with syringe membrane miro-solid phase extraction for sequential detection of thallium (iii) and thallium (i) by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry,2022.
23. 游军杰.co2-assisted fabrication of silica gel adsorbent in honeycomb rotary wheels for air dehumidification,2022.
24. 瞿梦洁.influence of glyphosate and its metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid on aquatic plants in different ecological niches,2022.
25. 吴亦潇.single and combined toxic effects of clarithromycin and levofloxacin on microcystis aeruginosa,2022.
26. 付曼君(学),闫俊涛.efficient interfacial charge transfer of 2d/2d cop/ cds heterojunction for extremely boosted photocatalytic h2 evolution performance,2022.
27. 熊明慧(学),柴波.built-in electric field mediated peroxymonosulfate activation over biochar supported-co3o4 catalyst for tetracycline hydrochloride degradation,2022.
28. 瞿梦洁.稻虾共作水域沉积物有机磷农药残留特征 及其对磷循环驱动机制,2022.
29. 王易.researc hon' co-disposal and utilization of ferrous packaging containers contaminated with hazardous wastes by steel converter,2022.
30. 韩娟娟.mechanically robust and highly conductive semi-interpenetrating network anion exchange membranes for fuel cell applications,2022.
31. 张毅然(学),李建芬.preparation of ni-la/al2o3-ceo2-bam charcoal catalyst and its application in copyrolysis of straw and plastic for hydrogen production,2022.
32. 牛好荣(学),杨明.硫酸肼镍多孔微球的制备与表征,2022.
33. 许芳.iron-doped g-c3n4 catalysts fabricated by forming fe-n moieties with outstanding photo-fenton activity toward tetracycline degradation ,2022.
34. 韩娟娟 poly(phenylene oxide)-based anion exchange membranes having linear cross-linkers or star cross-linkers,2022.
35. 张垒.toxic study on the new eco-friendly insulating gas trifluoromethanesulfonyl fluoride: a substitute for sf6,2022.
36. 丁佩佩.synthesis,crystal structure,and dna binding/cleavage properties of a macrocyclic heterobinuclear zn(ii)-ni(ii) complex with pyridylmethyl pendant-arms,2022.
37. 柳晓琳(学),张垒.声波团聚耦合技术在去除烟气细颗粒物中的应用进展,2022.
38. 吕思超(学),高新蕾.friction-reducing properties of n-containing ionic liquid additives by using quantitative structure tribo-ability relationship model,2022.
39. 王洋.一种新型双吡啶悬臂 mn(ⅱ)配合物的合成、晶体结构及 dna 结合能力研究,2022.
40. 丁永玉(学),程群鹏.kinetics and behavior analysis of lobster shell pyrolysis by tg-ftir and py-gc/ms,2022.
41. 刘佳林(学),徐玉玲.甘油含量对再生丝素蛋白自组装的影响,2022.
42. 王德(学),任占冬 .preparation of acidic electrolyzed water by a ruo2@tio2 electrode with high selectivity for chlorine evolution and its sterilization effect,2022.
43. 闫俊涛.syringe membrane micro-solid-phase extraction (spe) with flexible titanium(iv) oxide@silica nanofiber membrane for the speciation of te(iv) and te(vi) with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (gfaas),2022.
44. 申文娟.the effect of dissolved oxygen and ultrasonic pretreatment on the cr(vi) removal efficiency with manganese ferrite,2022.
45. 彭俏(学),范国枝 .玉米芯半纤维素提取、乙酰化改性及结构表征,2022.
46. 赵冲.spatiotemporal differentiation and balance pattern of ecosystem service supply and demand in the yangtze river economic belt,2022.
47. 罗晨潇(学),秦振华.g-c3n4活化硫铁矿烧渣及其非均相光芬顿催化性能,2022.
48. 郑明明.ambient observations indicating an increasing effectiveness of ammonia control in wintertime pm2.5 reduction in centra l china,2022.
49. 黄程瑞(学),高新蕾.材料化学实验课程改革探索,2022.
50. 陶瑞东(学),申文娟.preparation of feooh supported by melamine sponge and its application for efficient phosphate removal,2022.
51. 张军涛.fabrication of a stepwise degradable hybrid bioscaffold based on the natural and partially denatured collagen,2022.
52. 孙亚.preparation of li2mno3 nanowires with structural defects as high rate and high capacity cathodes for lithium-ion batteries,2022.
53. 刘嘉诚(学),程群鹏.enhancing anaerobic digestion of sulphate wastewater by adding nano-zero valent iron,2022.
54. 闫俊涛.investigation on the controllable synthesis of colorized and magnetic polystyrene beads with millimeter size via in situ suspension polymerization,2022.
55. 秦意(学),柴波.removal of tetracycline onto koh-activated biochar derived from rape straw: affecting factors, mechanisms and reusability inspection,2022.
56. 柳晓琳(学),张垒.声波耦合旋流对转炉一次烟气细颗粒物的去除,2022.
57. 李建芬.hydrogen-rich gas production with the ni-la/al2o3-cao-c catalyst from co-pyrolysis of straw and polyethylene,2022.
58. 付曼君(学),许芳 .mixed valence state cerium metal organic framework with prominent oxidase-mimicking activity for ascorbic acid detection: mechanism and performance,2022.
59. 黄岚.湖北省生活污水主要污染物的排放预测,2022.
60. 闪腾宇(学),胡纯 .analysis of regional agricultural carbon emission efficiency and influencing factors: case study of hubei province in china,2022.
61. 孙霞(学),梅运军 .simulation of the effects of microplastics on the microbial community,2022.
62. 张笑迎(学),梅运军.好氧反硝化菌群的富集及菌群结构分析,2022.
63. 孙霞(学),梅运军 .simulation of the effects of microplastics on the microbial community structure and nitrogen cycle of paddy soil,2022.
64. 高新蕾.preliminary study of the superlubricity behavior of polyimide-induced liquid crystal alignment,2022.
65. 王艳艳(学),任占冬.the volcanic relationship between the her activity and lattice constant of ruco alloy nanofilms,2022.
66. 张军涛.improvement of collagen self-assembly and thermal stability in the presence of trehalose,2022.
67. 郑明明.fine particle ph and its impact on pm2.5 control in a megacity of central china,2022.
68. 覃俊波(学),游军杰.hydrothermal synthesis of nico2s4 nanotube and its investigation as electrode material,2022.
69. 蔡园(学),胡纯.湖北省建筑业碳排放测度及影响因素研究,2022.
70. 闫俊涛.exfoliation-induced o-doped g-c3n4 nanosheets with improved photoreactivity towards rhb degradation and h-2 evolution,2022.
71. 王紫倩(学),吴祯祯.酸性氧化电解水辅助提取槐米总黄酮工艺,2022.
72. 覃俊波(学),游军杰.temperature-induced hollow hierarchical nico2o4 microspheres for high performance pseudocapacitors,2022.
73. 全凤娇.electrochemical removal of ammonium nitrogen in high efficiency and n2 selectivity using non-noble single-atomic iron catalyst,2022.
74. 郑明明.enhanced desorption of cationic and anionic metals/metalloids from co-contaminated soil by tetrapolyphosphate washing and followed by ferrous sulfide treatment,2022.
75. 黄炎俊.industrial application of ceramic ultrafiltration membrane in cold-rolling emulsion wastewater treatment,2022.
76. 张笑迎(学),梅运军.一株异养硝化细菌的分离鉴定及硝化性能分析,2022.
77. 张小萱(学),梅运军.pseudomonas sp. j1 生物合成纳米硒机制研究,2022.
78. 张婷婷.precise cation recognition in two- dimensional nanofluidic channels of clay membranes imparted from intrinsic selectivity of clays,2022.
79. 丁灯.piezo-photocatalytic flexible pan/tio2 composite nanofibers for environmental remediation,2022.
80. 郝鑫铭(学),周晓荣.从富硒茶叶中提取碳钢酸洗缓蚀剂,2022.
81. 陈烨(学),游军杰 .rgo@s aerogel cathode for high performance lithium-sulfur batteries,2022.
82. 褚俊杰(学),关金涛.长链双季铵碱二氢氧化己烷-1,6-双(三正丁基铵)的合成研究,2022.
83. 李阳(学),王婷婷 .黄原酸酯类杂环化合物的极压抗磨性定量构效关系研究,2022.
84. 未本美.natural collagen peptides-encapsulated gold nanoclusters for the simultaneous detection of multiple antibiotics in milk and molecular logic operations,2022.
85. 牟永康(学),张顺喜.aniline removed from simulated wastewater by electro-fenton process using electric energy from photovoltaic modules,2022.
86. 胡纯.产酸黑曲霉对高磷鲕状赤铁矿的脱磷能力分析,2022.
87. 任占冬.a novel bifunctional catalyst for overall water electrolysis: nano irxmn(1-x)oy hybrids with l12-irmn3 phase,2022.
88. 熊明慧(学),柴波.unveiling the role of mn-cd-s solid solution and mns in mnxcd1-xs photocatalysts and decorating with cop nanoplates for enhanced photocatalytic h2 evolution,2022.
89. 何貟.photocatalytic fuel cell – a review,2022.
90. 申文娟.effect of divalent manganese ions on the roxarsone removal efficiency from aqueous solution with iron oxide,2022.
91. 刘豪浩(学),张智勇.synthesis and microwave dielectric properties of polyphenylene liquid crystal compounds with lateral substitution by methyl and fluorine,2022.
92. 卢金应(学),张智勇.synthesis, characterisation, and effects ofmolecular structure on phase behaviour of 4-chloro-1,3-diazobenzene bent-core liquid crystals with high photosensitivity,2022.
1. 程先忠,一种建筑搅拌机,zl202222545034.1
2. 高新蕾,一种超滑体系及其应用,zl202210227678.8
3. 程先忠,一种用于污水处理的防堵塞装置,zl202220336004.7
4. 刘晔,艾叶光照处理装置,zl202122904271.8
5. 翟爱霞,艾叶陈化均一性调控方法,zl2021113174868
6. 刘晔,植物精油提取装置,zl202122316788.5
7. 高新蕾,一种在液晶润滑下氮化硅/聚酰亚胺配副的超滑系统,zl202110727207.9
8. 刘晔,螺旋榨油机榨膛压力监测装置(新型),zl202121020037.2
9. 范国枝,一种以木质纤维素类生物质为原料制备生物基化学品的方法,zl202110450652.5
10. 程先忠,一种农业用培植装置,zl202120726192x
11. 胡廷平,一种催化三旋单管在线循环清理系统及方法,zl202110027249.1
12. 程先忠,一种机械加工用表面打磨装置,zl202011308159.1
13. 闫俊涛,稻秆源醋酸纤维素电纺制备柔性多孔炭纤维膜的方法及得到的柔性多孔炭纤维膜和其应用,zl202011178048.3
14. 杨明,一种还原氧化石墨烯及其制备方法,zl202011111021.2
15. 王文清,一种氧化石墨烯及其制备方法,zl202011112494.4
16. 李建芬,一种从鸡粪中提取氨基酸的方法,zl202010793284.x
17. 朱玉婵,一种农作物秸秆降解预处理的方法,zl2020105979536
18. 一高新蕾,种液晶润滑剂及包括该液晶润滑剂的超低摩擦系统,zl202010570136.1
19. 梅运军,一种纳米硒的制备方法,zl202010452085.2
20. 关金涛,单宁酸修饰聚乙烯亚胺化合物及其制备方法以及基因载体,zl202010379554.2
21. 范国枝,一种将综纤维素转化为糠醛类平台化合物的研究,zl202010270339.9
22. 李盛,一种胶原-壳聚糖水凝胶及其制备方法,zl2020102023304
23. 梅运军,一种l-蛋氨酸的制备方法,zl202010188975.7
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