2015/09-2016/09,the pennsylvania state university(美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学),材料科学与工程系,联合培养博士
担任acs sustainable chemistry & engineering, journal of membrane science, journal of power sources, acs applied materials & interfaces, ionics等国际期刊审稿人。担任polymers客座编辑。
x. zheng, y. lu, w. li, z. ren, y. liu, q. cheng, y. zhu,j. han*, alkali-resistant poly (vinyl benzyl chloride) based anion exchange membranes with outstanding flexibility and high hydroxide ion conductivity,international journal of hydrogen energy,2023.
j. han*,y. zhang, x. zheng, y. lu, w. li, x. zhou , z. ren, y. liu, m. hu, l. xiao, l. zhuang, elastic and conductive cross-linked anion exchange membranes based on polyphenylene oxide and poly(vinyl alcohol) for h2-o2fuel cells,chemsuschem,2023.
j. han*, c. liu, y. lu, x. zheng, w. li, y. liu, x. yang, z. ren, m. hu, l. xiao, l. zhuang, semi-interpenetrating network anion exchange membranes based on flexible polystyrene-b-poly(ethylene-co-butylene)-b-polystyrene and rigid poly(vinylbenzyl chloride) for fuel cell applications,polymer,2023.
j. han*, c. liu, c. deng, y. zhang, w. song, x. zheng, x. liu, y. zhang, x. yang, z. ren*, m. hu, l. xiao, l. zhuang, mechanically robust and highly conductive semi-interpenetrating network anion exchange membranes for fuel cell applications,journal of power sources,2022, 548, 232097.
j. han*, y. zhang, f. kang, c. liu, w. song, x. zheng, x. liu, m. wang, x. zhou, z. ren*, l. xiao, l. zhuang, poly(phenylene oxide)-based anion exchange membranes having linear cross-linkers or star cross-linkers,acs applied energy materials,2022, 5, 9, 11613−11623.
j. han*, w. song, x. cheng, q. cheng,y. zhang, c. liu, x. zhou, z. ren*, m. hu, t. ning, l. xiao, l. zhuang, conductivity and stability properties of anion exchange membranes: cations effect and backbones effect,chemsuschem,2021, 14, 5021−5031.
j. han*, s. gong, z. peng, x. cheng, y. li, h. peng, y. zhu, z. ren*, l. xiao, l. zhuang, comb-shaped anion exchange membranes: hydrophobic side chains grafted onto backbones or linked to cations?journal of membrane science,2021,
j. han*, b. lin, h. peng, y. zhu, z. ren*, l. xiao, l. zhuang, aggregated and ionic cross-linked anion exchange membrane with enhanced hydroxide conductivity and stability,journal of power sources,2020, 459, 227838.
j. han*, y. peng, b. lin, y. zhu, z. reng*, l. xiao, l. zhuang, hydrophobic side-chain attached polyarylether-based anion exchange membranes with enhanced alkaline stability,acs applied energy materials,2019, 2, 8052−8059.
j. han*, j. pan, c. chen, l. wei, y. wang, q. pan, n. zhao, b. xie, l. xiao, j. lu, l. zhuang, the effect of micro-morphology on alkaline polymer electrolytes stability,acs applied materials & interfaces,2019, 11, 469−477.
j. han*, y. wu, j. pan, y. peng, y. wang, c. chen, q. pan, b. xie, n. zhao, y. wang, j. lu, l. xiao, l. zhuang*, highly conductive and stable hybrid ionic cross-linked sulfonated peek for fuel cell,electrochimica acta,2018, 291, 353−361.
f. xu, y. su, w. yuan,j. han*, j. ding, b. lin*, piperidinium-based anion-exchange membranes with an aliphatic main chain for alkaline fuel cells,industrial & engineering chemistry research,2020, 59, 14817−14824.
j. han, l. zhu, j. pan*, t. j. zimudzi, y. wang, y. peng, j. han, l. zhu, m. a. hickner, l. zhuang*; elastic long-chain multication cross-linked anion exchange membranes,macromolecules,2017, 50: 3323−3332.
j. han, q. liu, x. li, j. pan, l. wei, y. wu, h. peng, y. wang, g. li, c. chen, l. xiao, j. lu, l. zhuang*, aneffectiveapproach foralleviatingcation-inducedbackbonedegradation inaromaticether-basedalkalinepolymerelectrolytes,acs applied materials & interfaces,2015, 7, 2809−2816.
j. han, h. peng, j. pan*, l. wei, g. li, c. chen, l. xiao, j. lu, l. zhuang*, highlystablealkalinepolymerelectrolytebased on apoly(ether ether ketone)backbone,acs applied materials & interfaces,2013, 5, 13405−13411.
1.韩娟娟,张杨洋,康菲,任占冬,周晓荣,一种星型交联碱性聚电解质及其制备方法,cn 114759238 b,申请日:2022.03.14。