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龙一飞 |
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工学博士 |
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化学工程 |
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long y., he z., li x., yin y., wang y., li h., hu j.*, removal of elemental mercury from flue gas using the magnetic attapulgite by mn-cu oxides modification. environmental science and pollution research, 2022, 29(10): 14058-14069.
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liu w.,long y., zhou y., liu s., tong x., yin y., li x., hu k., hu j.*, excellent low temperature nh3-scr and nh3-sco performance over ag-mn/ce-ti catalyst: evaluation and characterization, molecular catalysis, 2022, 528, 112510.
liu w.,long y., tong x., yin y., li x., hu j.*, transition metals modified commercial scr catalysts as efficient catalysts in nh3-sco and nh3-scr reactions. molecular catalysis. 2021, 515, 111888.
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liu w.,long y., liu s., zhou y., tong x., yin y., li x., hu k., hu j.*. commercial scr catalyst modified with different noble metals (ag, pt, pd) to efficiently remove slip ammonia and nox in the flue gas[j]. journal of the taiwan institute of chemical engineers, 2022, 138: 104472.
wang x.,long y., mu p., li j.*, silicone oil infused slippery candle soot surface for corrosion inhibition with anti-fouling and self-healing properties, journal of adhesion science and technology, 2021, 35(10): 1057-1071.
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