姓 名 |
张海燕 |
学 历 |
理学博士 |
职 称 |
讲师 |
专业方向 |
有机化学 |
办公电话 |
027-83943956 |
电子邮件 |
mszhanghaiyan@whpu.edu.cn |
1995年~1999年,湖北大学,化学教育, 本科;
1999年~2002年,北京科技大学, 土木与环境工程,理学硕士;
2002年~2003年,北京海西门水处理有限公司, 水处理技术人员;
20014年~至今,武汉轻工大学, 化学与环境工程学院, 教师。
(1)新型纳米传感器, (2)新型纳米功能型设备,(3)荧光共振能量转移(fret)
研究方向: 依据量子点独特的光学特性和dna/rna适配体高目标选择性并利用荧光共振能量(fret)技术开发新型的纳米生物传感器,并用于食品中农药残留物,环境污染物,疾病相关的生物标记物的准确,经济,快速,灵敏地检测。
[1] 湖北省自然科学基金(杰青), 量子点手性界面材料的识别性能研究,第二负责人
[2] 武汉轻工大学引进人才科研启动项目,新型量子点-dna适配子床感器的开发及其应用于大肠杆菌的快速检测,负责人
[1] zhang haiyan, xue sh, feng gq, “a colorimetric and near-infrared fluorescent turn-on probe for rapiddetection of sulfite”, sens. actuators, b 2016, 231, 752–758
[2] zhang haiyan, huang zj, feng gq,“colorimetric and ratiometric fluorescent detection of bisulfite by a new hbt-hemicyanine hybrid”,analytica chimica acta, 2016,volume null, issue null, page null
[3] zhang haiyan, feng, gq, guo, y, zhou, dj, “robust, specific ratiometric biosensing using a copper-free clicked quantum dot-dna aptamer sensor”, nanoscale, 2013, 5, 10307-10315.
[4] zhang haiyan, stockley, p. g., zhou, dj. “development of smart nanoparticle-aptamer sensing technology”, faraday discuss., 2011, 149, 319–332.
[5] zhang haiyan, zhou, dj., “a quantum dot-intercalating dye dual-donor fret based biosensor”, chem. commun., 2012, 48, 5097–5099.
[6] zhang y., zhang haiyan, hollins, j., webb, m. e., zhou, dj., “small-molecule ligands strongly affect the f?rster resonance energy transfer between a quantum dot and a fluorescent protein”, phys. chem. chem. phys., 2011, 13, 19427–19436.
[7] guo y,sakonsinsiri c, nehlmeier i, fascione ma, zhang haiyan, wang wl, p?hlmann s, turnbull wb and zhou dj,“compact, polyvalent mannose quantum dots as sensitive, ratiometric fret probes for multivalent protein–ligand interactions”, angew. chem. int. ed.,2016, 15, 4838.
[8] zhang, q., zhang, y., ding, s., zhang haiyan and feng guoqiang, “a nir fluorescent probe for rapid, colorimetric and ratiometric detection of bisulfite in food, serum, and living cells.” sens. actuators, b 2015, 211, 377-384.
[9] xue, s., ding, s., zhang haiyan and feng guoqiang, “a colorimetric and nir fluorescent turn-on probe for rapid and selective detection of cysteine in living cells.” biosens. bioelectron., 2015, 68, 316-321.
[10] qisong zhai, shengjun yang, yuli fang, haiyan zhang and guoqiang feng,” a new ratiometric fluorescent probe for the detection of thiophenols”, rsc adv., 2015, 5, 94216–94221.